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Save Hidden Costs

Save Hidden Costs

Save Hidden Costs


How Polaris enables restraunts in saving costs


Meter Three Phase Meter

Meter Single Phase Meter

TOTAL SAVED till date

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Most of the time when restaurants are full as the evening's rush gets underway. To keep diners comfortable, the lights are bright, the AC is turned up, and the stoves are running nonstop. In the chaos of the dining room, it’s easy to overlook how much energy it takes to power your thriving business. However, the significant financial costs of such intensive electricity usage become starkly apparent at month's end upon receipt of utility bills. With notoriously high energy demands, restaurants battle slim profit margins, magnifying the sizable impact of these expenses. Exacerbating the sheer consumption levels, outdated inefficient equipment, and lack of transparency into precise usage patterns needlessly contribute to excessive waste.
But what if you could pinpoint exactly when and where energy was overused in your restaurant?
With smart meters, you can get real-time energy insights, restaurants can finally take control of their energy usage, save significantly on bills, and meet sustainability goals.


Energy Landscape of Restaurants:

  • Restaurants allocate 3-5% of operating expenses to energy, with equipment like ovens and refrigerators contributing significantly.

  • Cooking equipment alone consumes 30-40% of energy, while refrigeration and lighting add 13-16% and 8-14%, respectively.

  • Annual electricity usage per square foot in restaurants is 2-3 times higher than in other commercial buildings.

  • Inefficient equipment and poor maintenance waste energy, accounting for 3-5% of total operating expenses.

Financial Impact:

  • A 20% reduction in energy costs directly increases profits by 1%, crucial given the industry's thin profit margins (4-7% of revenue).

  • Smart metering solutions offer precise insights, potentially leading to significant cost savings.

How do smart meters help restraunts in saving costs? 

Smart meters enable in reducing costs through multi-fold ways : 

  • Real-Time Usage Tracking: Enables monitoring of energy consumption in different areas, aiding in identifying inefficiencies.

  • Peak Usage Insights: Highlights peak demand events, helping adjust schedules to reduce peak demand charges.

  • Goal Setting & Alerts: Allows setting reduction targets and receiving alerts for abnormal usage, preventing revenue losses.

  • Remote Monitoring & Control: Offers the ability to control equipment remotely, minimizing waste.

  • Analysis Reporting: Provides tailored reports for performance assessment and cost-saving estimations.

Sustainability and Profits:

  • Smart metering technology boosts profits by minimizing energy costs and supports environmentally sustainable operations.

  • Detailed data and analytical tools pave the way for long-term energy efficiency in restaurants.

Conclusion: Smart meter adoption is essential for managing restaurant energy loads, offering financial benefits and reducing carbon emissions.




How Polaris enables restraunts in saving costs


Meter Three Phase Meter

Meter Single Phase Meter



Nehal Baid

General Manager

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